Fuller Lab - Lab Staff

Postdocs (N3AS Postdoctoral Fellows resident in the Department of Physics at UCSD)

Lukas Graf
(now Prague) elementary particle astrophysics; effective field theory; cosmology 

Anna Suliga
neutrino astrophysics; compact object physics and astrophysics and cosmology

Vincent Lee
gravitational waves; quantum gravitation

Julien Froustey
neutrino physics and astrophysics and cosmology

Current Physics Graduate Students

Kyle Kehrer
General Relativistic instability in supermassive objects with Dark Matter; neutrino-burst generated gravitational radiation in compact object collapse/mergers

Yiheng Xu
Many-body collective effects in quantum nonlinear neutrino flavor and spin transformation

Thomas Hong Wong
Tidal disruption events/multi-messenger probes of dark matter in stars

Jake Spisak
(also Keating CMB/Cosmology group) Models for massive sterile neutrino dark matter; axion physics & CMB probes

Shahed (Sasha) Arani
(also Keating CMB/Cosmology group) Small-scale dark matter clustering; axion physics & CMB probes

Undergraduate Students

James Warning

Theta Chun

Myra Khandelwal
